Thursday, September 06, 2012

"One Egremont"

Here's a report on the first meeting of the citizens' group that has named itself  "One Egremont":


The first meeting of the Egremont citizens group went off with a bang. Better than 30 people showed up for the meeting and there seemed to be a good response from all those attending. While most came for their particular issue, everyone was interested in discussing the many issues that affect Egremont.

We were pleased to see that many second home owners took time out from their last summer weekend in order to attend. One of the objects of forming this group was to give these nonresident taxpayers not only a venue to find out where their tax dollars are being spent, but a place to express their viewpoint about where they feel those tax dollars should go.  Since this is where many of these second homeowners plan to retire, they are all future full time residents and have a vested interest in what happens to their town. They may not yet have a vote but at least we can give them a voice.

Much of the meeting was spent going over the formation of the group. We somewhat followed the agenda and covered most points outlined in the agenda including naming the group. The group decided to  call itself “ONE EGREMONT,” which is fitting because it reflects the spirit of the group. After all, we are all members of the same community, that is  the town of Egremont. We are all equally vested in the town’s interests and as such we are responsible for the town’s future.

After the organizational agenda was cleared, the group agreed that discussion meetings should be held on high speed internet and cell phone service, the town water department, our schools, potential large capital expenditures, our zoning bylaw and the police department.  We briefly discussed some of those issues, including technological advances, or rather the lack thereof, the water company, and the police department. Jonathan Taylor, the town’s representative to Wired West, was there and answered many questions regarding the progress of wiring the town with fiber optics.  Fiber optics is the technology that may eventually allow every Egremont household to have phone, television and internet service at the lowest cost. In regard to the water company, many people did not realize that there were any problems with the water company. This fact underscores why we need a vehicle to get out the information.  As to the police department, there were mixed views, again underscoring that “One Egremont” can engender productive discussions of issues in town.
             As we build the infrastructure of this organization, we hope to have an interactive website and/or a bulletin board, thus allowing people to discuss any and all issues on an immediate basis. We also  plan to send out a hardcopy newsletter to ensure that the maximum amount of townspeople will be reached, especially those who do not take advantage of the limited technology that we do have. We will be asking people to help in any way that they can to bring these plans to fruition. Some may be able to give time and expertise to build  information sites, others may be able to finance  mailings. All are encouraged to participate in any way that they can.  Remember, we all have the same goal of ONE EGREMONT.