It is an old political trick to attack the individuals expressing a view, rather than the merits of their views, when one is unwilling to have an honest and open debate about an issue. Dismissing the position of three thoughtful, responsible Egremont citizens by labeling them as "libertarians," which the leading proponent of the CPA did this week, is a classic example of that trick.
Laura Allen has been the chairman of the Egremont finance committee for many years. She has served with distinction, and no knowledgable Egremonter has ever criticized her performance in protecting the interests of Egremont taxpayers. She is known for her thorough investigation and analysis of financial issues. Bill Weigle has served Egremont as a selectman, a member of the finance committee and in many other capacities for over 50 years. Kevin Zurrin single handedly uncovered the billing problems at the water department, and is also known for his indepth analysis of town issues. Rather than dismissing the views of people with that level of distinction by labeling them, it would be better to listen to the reasons they take the position they have.
But if they are going to be labeled, at least the label should be accurate. Bill Weigle is a life long democrat. Laura Allen is hardly a libertarian; her public positions over the years disprove that contention. Kevin Zurrin may be a conservative, but he is not a libertarian. Furthermore, libertarians are not opposed to all taxes.
I would have hoped for an open, honest dialog on the CPA. If the proponents intend simply to attack the opponents, and continue with misstatements and mischaracterizations like they made Tuesday night, that will not happen.