Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Several Egremonters established the French Park Fund in 2002, a charitable organization whose sole purpose is to maintain and improve French Park. The Fund arranged and paid for the horse ring enlargement, the resurfacing of the tennis courts and an updating of the master plan for the park.

Now the Fund is undertaking its most expensive project, a complete replacement and upgrade of the children's playground equipment. Cost is estimated at $90,000. So here's my offer:

Send your tax-deductible check, made out to "The French Park Fund, Inc.", to me at 223 Egremont Plain Road, PMB 108, North Egremont, MA 01252, and I'll match dollar-for-dollar all contributions received by me by December 31, 2007.

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your efforts to improve French Park. But since there are so few children in Egremont, is it really worth the high cost of replacing the kids stuff that's there now?