Thursday, February 07, 2008

I had a guy from DirectTV out to look at my problem again. The problem is this: I and everybody else has to move to HD TV this year, and for us poor Egremonters who have to rely on satellites, that means getting a new bigger dish and reorienting it toward the HD satellite. For many Egremonters, that's no big deal. But for those with tree and mountain problems, it is. Seems the old dish could look through at least some tree leaves and other minor obstructions, but the new ones are more sensitive. Worse, the dish needs to look at 5 satellites, not just one, and those satellites are lower on the horizon than the old satellite. So the DirectTV guy stood on my deck and pointed to an area that had to be clear of obstructions for the dish to be able to pick up the signals. It was a pretty big area, a lot bigger than what I need now, and not quite in the same place as the area I use now. So I counted the trees, some of them pretty good sized, that I'm going to have to take down: about six of them.

Other Egremonters must be dealing with this problem. Any info you can add by commenting on this entry would be appreciated by all.

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