Thursday, May 15, 2008

Election Results

Selectman: Brazie 123; Cumsky 240

Planning Board: Martin 164; Vining 177

Moderator: Gage 207; Lamme 141

Library Trustee: Kane 75; Sheldon 230

In uncontested elections, Muskrat got the highest number of votes, Wood the lowest.

There are a lot of messages here, but as always there'll be lots of rationalizing them away, especially by the losers. Cumsky's win should send a definite message to the other two selectmen, but I suspect they won't get it. Vining's victory is hardly a ringing endorsement of the planning board; a more cogent explanation is that the PB has been lying low for the last two years after being slapped pretty hard by budget votes at town meetings. In my view, the less the PB does, the better off we all are.

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