Saturday, June 14, 2008

Board appointments

As is customary in June, the selectboard plans to fill vacancies in town boards and committees at its meeting next week. If you're interested in being on a board or committee, and have the necessary expertise, please, please submit your name by sending a short simple letter to town hall saying something like "I would like to be appointed to the XXXXXX." You may, but need not, add information on your qualifications and why you're interested.

The selectmen don't have a great track record in seeking out qualified candidates for town boards. They generally just appoint from whoever volunteers. (And they tend not to appoint people whose viewpoints thay don't like.) Not surprisingly, that often results in populating boards with folks who have a narrow agenda and/or perspective and not a great deal of expertise, and that often results in boards doing more harm than good to townspeople. These appointees may think they're saving the world but too often they're hurting us Egremonters.

Unfortunately, qualified people frequently don't like to serve on boards because they have real lives and don't want to spend their time dealing with what often seems unrealistic and impractical. You may feel that way, but I urge you to get involved. The next silly board action may be on your application!

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