Saturday, September 20, 2008

Town Meeting: Article 3

This article seeks $20,000 to hire someone to assess renovation of town hall. There is continuing concern about ADA compliance, and other renovations certainly could be considered. If this has to be done, I'd prefer using the expertise of townspeople (at no cost) rather than paying an outside consultant, but that attitude has always fallen on deaf ears down at town hall. Consultants often buttress the "edifice complex" of some of the town hall denizens, producing grandiose proposals like the ones I've starting hearing about for a library.

It's important to note this appropriation would be for town hall only, not a police station or a library or a senior center or any other pipe dream. Of course, one thing can lead to another, and I worry about the "getting a little bit pregnant" risk.

I need to be convinced that we really need to do this before I vote for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see with
-energies costs rising
-the financial markets in crisis
-with food costs soaring
-with rising unemployment
-with municipalities and businesses caught in a credit crunch

Egremont has money to burn? There are many talented experienced builders and trades people in Egremont who are great resources. Why not ask them for their ideas?

There's so much throwing money around that we can ill afford to spend. There is NOTHING wrong with a few minor upgrades to Town Hall.

Can anyone tell me who's leading the drum roll for this foolish spending and idea????????????