Monday, December 01, 2008

School Consolidation

It would be nice to know the position of our selectmen on this issue. Do you think one or more of them will let the rest of us know, by commenting on this posting or otherwise? Except maybe for Bruce Cumsky, don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you've held your breath this long... I just read the original post. I really don't have enough information to comment on. We have joined with a number of towns in seeking a $25,000 grant to study consolidation (nothing out of our pockets) and are waiting to find out if we are approved.

Certainly, if we could share administrative costs between the two school districts without affecting quality of education... that would be a good thing.

I am waiting to hear more about the benefits to our students for further consolidation. When I hear more and have an opinion to share I would be more than happy to offer more. -Bruce