Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Brazie-Cumsky Matter and the Berkshire Record

You may have seen an article in the Record on the disciplinary proceedings involving Mary Brazie, resulting from her failure to follow an instruction from Bruce Cumsky. I'll have lots to say about that after I finish my rooting around to get to the truth. But there are several things you ought to know right away.

First, the article in the Record follows that newspaper's tradition of almost always getting the story wrong, often totally wrong. But what do you expect from a newspaper that apparently has two requirements for being one of its reporters: you must have flunked high school English at least once; and you must be unable to use spell check or any of its equivalents.

Second, the performance of Judith Knight was abysmal. The disciplinary matter had been put on the agenda by Richard Burdsall, but it was tabled by the selectboard (not by Bruce Cumsky, as the Record implied). Nevertheless, Ms. Knight thereafter repeatedly attempted to speak on the matter despite being told repeatedly by Bruce Cumsky that she couldn't and should sit down. Her conduct was in clear violation of Massachusetts law regarding the conduct of public meetings (see chapter 39, section 23c). Perhaps Ms. Knight believes in civil disobedience, despite having run (unsuccessfully, thank God) for Berkshire County DA. This was not the time or place for civil disobedience.

Third, the action taken by the selctboard obviously made great sense. Rather than having a donnybrook at the meeting, they thought it best to try to reach some resolution by way of private discussions (and by the time you read this that may have happened). But some people attending the meeting apparently wanted to have a knock-down drag-out session right then and there. So much for civility in public discourse, at least in Egremont. Shame on those people.

Finally, the atmosphere at town hall couldn't be more toxic, and something will have to be done about it, but I'm not sure what until I get to the root of things. For those of you who work there, I suggest you try to remember what your job is, stick to doing it and stop trying to foment a revolution. That also goes for those of you who don't work there but for some reason can't seem to stop yourselves from interfering.

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