Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Egremont Selectman Election

Set forth below are Bruce Cumsky's responses to the questions I posed to the two candidates for selectman. Mary Brazie declined to respond, despite my assurances to her that the responses would be published verbatim.

1. Do you think taxes in Egremont are too high, too low or about right? In what ways could they be reduced?

I strongly believe that taxes can never be too low. We all work hard for every penny we make and our goal should always be to have the lowest tax rate, and subsequently, lowest tax bill possible. I very much disagree with our current Selectmen who have openly stated that our tax rate is “too low.” They believe that we would be more attractive to the state, regarding grants and state funds, if we had a higher tax rate. Yet, experienced professionals completely disagree with this theory. More importantly, I do not believe that anyone (even if we have elected them) has the right to make that decision for those of us who actually own property here and pay property taxes. To artificially raise property taxes is just wrong. If ever there is a decision that should be made by the town as a whole, it is this one.

As for how the taxes can be reduced, quite simply through fiscal restraint, hard work, better research, bidding and negotiation. We must preserve and take better care of the town’s assets, buildings and equipment that we have now so we do not need to burden our taxpayers with the unnecessarily early purchase of new machinery, cars, etc.

2. What, if anything, do you think should be done about the police department? In particular, do you think we need 24-hour coverage?

This is an issue I have personally struggled with. I am a fan of the police department and the good work that they do. I have called on them during the day and night, and always gotten a quick and courteous response. But I have questioned the need for 24-hour police coverage in a town as small as Egremont. However, many people (my wife included) feel that the last thing we should sacrifice is the security of our families and neighbors.

A review of the town’s needs and what emergency services would be available during “off hours” would provide some direction. Many of our citizens are concerned with emergency health issues and I fully trust the Fire Department to provide immediate response and the proper care during a health emergency. I would work closely with our Chief and seek the right balance of coverage, but I would take a conservative approach because I hold our neighbor’s safety above all else.

3. What do you think about the quality of our appointed town boards (including the Board of Health, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Conservation Commission) and what suggestions, if any, do you have for improving the quality?

The majority of the appointed town boards are strictly volunteer, people generously giving up time from their own lives to try and make ours better. For this I have nothing but the utmost respect. But in order for any group to function to the best of their abilities they must be made to feel that their hard work is appreciated. It is a proven fact that if you show people respect they will want to work even harder. Our Selectboard is not only there to appoint, but to support as well. These board members also need to see the face of a Selectman at occasional meetings, to hear in what ways the boards may need assistance.

The Selectboard has to be more active in reaching out to the community to bring in new faces. Appointments to any town position must be made carefully, looking for the best candidate for the position, not just the most popular person in the bunch.

It is also important to consider that not all boards are equal when evaluating results. Salaried employees should be held to a higher standard than volunteer board members.

Lastly, our town meeting is a time to celebrate our community and what we’ve accomplished over the year. A time to thank people for their efforts. A time to hear what our boards have done and what we may expect for the coming year.
This would be a welcome relief from the past years of surprise, anger and contentiousness. It all begins from the top and our leaders need to set the example.

4. Do you think town government over-regulates, under-regulates or regulates just about right, and what suggestions, if any, do you have for changes?

We have the purest form of town government existing (due to our size, with fewer than 6,000 voters) in the Town Meeting, where each voter becomes a “legislator” for the town. That allows us to “self-regulate.” We have discussed and approved bylaws that are appropriate for our community and that protect what we love in Egremont. Yet, I am concerned when I hear the words “overlay district” and “business district.” These often are followed by additional regulations that are not necessary and begin to restrict our property rights. Are we trying to solve non-existent problems or are we creating them?

I do think we can do a better job of guiding our citizens through the process and of making Town Hall more “user-friendly.” Town Hall is meant to help our citizens and we should do everything possible to guide, aide and counsel citizens through any regulatory process.

5. What do you think should be done about the Annex?

In the gloomy and uncertain economic situation this country finds itself in, I cannot understand why we are discussing this at this time. We need to be fiscally responsible and patient. Certainly, the Annex, which even the Selectboard cannot agree on its use, is of no clear need at this present time. I am surprised it is even coming to the table again after such a loud, boisterous negative response from the town at the special meeting last August. It was during that meeting that I strongly stated the request for funds was “two years too early.” It is still two years too early, considering the economy. I also strongly recommend against any expenditure, specifically the requested $15,000 in this year’s warrant for an engineering study. The first question asked by a qualified engineer would be “What is it to be used for?” It would be irresponsible to authorize this expenditure when the Selectboard is in total disagreement about the Annex’s use and when the community is questioning its need. It is time to stop exploratory expenses for items the citizens have not fully been informed about or are clearly not in agreement with regarding use or need. There is no crime in holding on to our tax dollars until the time comes when we are in actual need of something for the good of the town.

6. What do you think should be done about the library?

We have a lovely library. Speak to its users and they will tell you that our librarian, Sally Caldwell, can get whatever they request. If you review the library’s survey regarding use you will see that out of 222 responses, 67 never use the library, 97 rarely use it, 29 use it monthly and 28 use it weekly. Sally’s last report to the Selectboard discussed last summer’s use as sporadic, with some days being very slow. This level of use does not warrant a new library. I certainly respect the time and efforts given by many in pursuit of a new library, but sometimes a Selectman has to say no... not now. And remember, with a new library comes new maintenance, more overhead and more staff.

With half of our citizens over the age of 55 and considering retirement, if they aren’t retired already, it is time to consider the burdens we would be placing on them in the future. When over 40% of our citizens may see no increase, or even a decrease, in income for this and the next few years, it is no time to consider adding to the town’s debt and their tax burden.

But we must maintain our buildings, both inside and out. Structural repairs and painting, electrical and mechanical repairs are priorities. Before we consider any new project we should put our house in order. Of course, in today’s economy I also believe we can do better than expending $105,000 for painting of the library and town hall, and $5,420 to remove trees in front of the town hall. We need to bid tighter and harder. We need to do our homework better. The office of Selectman requires full attention for it to be done properly.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my views. If anyone would like to discuss Egremont's issues and opportunities further, please call me at 644-9934. I would really enjoy hearing your feedback.


Anonymous said...

If Mary Brazie refuses to participate in answering these questions (including submitting her own written submission) she shouldn't hold an elective or appointed office. There's a basic goodwill and trust involved and apparently she's lack it (no matter how hard working and dedicated she may or may not be.

Based on her failure to participate in answering these simple straightforward questions, she shouldn't be reelected.

Anonymous said...

I just read Bruce Chumsky's answers. I don't know Bruce personally but he's right on the mark with each and every point he raises.

We don't need to spend money just for the sake of spending it. Many of us are having a hard time just making ends meet. Let's not waste money on ill advised project such as the library and removing trees. I bet if everyone donated paint and we got a better bid (including some of us who would volunteer to help paint the town hall, we'd get it done cheaper.)

We should refurbish the library by using the current space more efficiently.

I feel as though Egremont officials need to restrain spending. We can do well with a part-time police force.

All current preexisting expenses (health insurance, gas, oil etc) will continue to rise so we need to exercise fiscal restraint!

Vote for Bruce!!