Prospect Lake
For a long time, many of us have been urging the town to provide public access to Prospect Lake. To use the lake, you had to park right on Prospect Lake Road, then unload your boat, children, etc., with cars whizzing by. It was an accident waiting to happen.
So we were happy when the state announced a couple of years ago that they were going to create boat access (and maybe swimming access) from a vacant lot the state had acquired years ago, a lot that's not on the lake itself but on the major stream that feeds it (known to locals as the "canal"), about 300 feet or so to the west of the old dangerous access point on Prospect Lake Road. And, lo and behold, crews showed up in early summer to do the job. They cleared the lot, put in a "driveway", created a parking area, and built a long wooden ramp down to the canal so folks could take their boats down the ramp and launch them into the canal. But, for reasons only explicable to bureaucrats, they stopped the ramp short of the canal. To launch a boat, you'd have to carry your boat through a lot of muck and then somehow get into it.
It's a joke. Go look at it if you don't believe me. Lord knows how much taxpayer money was spent on a project that is totally useless. If folks use it at all, they'll just park their cars there and then walk 300 feet to the old spot to get into the lake. That won't significantly reduce the danger to pedestrians, so even that objective hasn't been achieved (and maybe even made worse).
What to do? Complaining to the state isn't going to accomplish anything. I think the town should just take the bull by the horns and finish the job by actually building a ramp into the canal. That probably violates all kinds of laws, so town hall probably won't do it. Who'd like to volunteer to help me do it at night on the sly?
Another lake subject: Friends of Prospect Lake arranged for another treatment of the weeds a few weeks ago, and it was very successful. I know there are people in town who don't like treating the lake with chemicals, but the ones used don't hurt anything except weeds, and providing public recreation is more important than appeasing what seems to be some people's unwarranted paranoia.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
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Hi Richard,
I do so enjoy visiting the blog to see what your latest issue is and you know I respect your and everyone's right to speak out (and encourage it), but you haven't fully done the homework here.
First, we are all glad the State came in and met their deadline for the parking and ramp. We were worried it wouldn't be completed in time for the summer activities. I visited the site as they began, to go over their proposed work.
A couple of weeks ago one of our citizens, Warren Anson, first brought the shortage at the end of the ramp, that you so vividly mention, to my attention. I discussed this immediately with Mary Brazie in the town hall and she dutifully followed up with the responsible parties. We have received a response and they are looking into the shortage and are intending to correct it so our Prospect Lake users aren't in danger or inconvenienced.
I am not sure of what the final solution is, but it is "in the works." If more needs to be done, we will pursue it. See... we HAVE taken the 'bull by the horns' and not let this slip. We can only try to correct problems we are aware of. Don't be so cynical.
Come to the Selectman's meetings. I want to hear your voice and anyone else who has an issue. That's how we can solve the problems rather than just complain about them. Together, in open dialogue.
Thanks for your efforts Bruce. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the state to fix it. I'm still in favor of my do-it-yourself approach.
As for coming to selectmen's meetings (which I often do, as you know), many townspeople don't have the time or inclination to do that. The selectboard needs to provide more convenient ways for townspeople to have input.
Cumsky's message doesn't match up with the newsletter just emailed by the town. It says "The selectmen are pleased to note that the boat access at prospect lake is finally complete. The access is for carry in boats only. Enjoy!" So which is it?
Richard- It would be so easy to just go in and correct things we see wrong, but that leaves us all open to liability and the possibility of poor craftmanship.
I do wish more of our townspeople came to the meetings. We try to communicate through the town's Newsletter, but involvement takes effort from all parties. If you have a better or additonal way (without creating additional expense the citizens would have to carry) please bring it up.
As for "Anonymous'" reply, I've just read the Newsletter and it is completely consistent. The job was completed. We are pleased that it is complete (and happily on deadline), we just want to make it better. We are now seeking a correction in response to our citizens' input.
Like many jobs, often you need to stand back and review the finished product... and get some input from users. Sometimes a tweek is in order.
Someone from the state is scheduled to do an onsite evaluation on Thursday July 17 at 11:00ish.
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