Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cell Phone Service

Let's briefly review the ongoing sorry saga on cell phone service in town. (1) Several years ago, we adopted a bylaw that effectively prevents cell towers (and therefore service) in town. Not surprisingly, no company has expressed any interest in dealing with that bylaw. (2) Last summer, a cell tower salesman suggested the possibility of a tower at town hall, the only possible site (as a practical matter) permitted under our bylaw (which bylaw would have to be signicantly changed even if the site were otherwise acceptable). He later concluded (surprise, surprise!) that the site wasn't possible because of proximity to the airport. (3) Rather than just concluding and openly espousing that we needed to scrap our bylaw and start over, our timid selectboard called a special town meeting last fall to approve leasing part of the town hall site to a tower or cell company, knowing (albeit sticking their heads in the sand) that there was no realistic chance of that process succeeding. Many of us pointed out at that time that it was a useless exercise that would only slow down the inevitable, i.e., adopting a new bylaw, and therefore slow down getting cell phone service in town. (4) After the town meeting approved leasing town hall property, the selectboard caused to be prepared the documentation for seeking bids for a cell tower at the town hall site.

So how is the process proceeding? It's not.

The idea, as I understand it, was, during 2008, to solicit bids, get no responses and therefore conclude that the process was hopeless, providing enough time to craft a new bylaw in 2009 in time for the May town meeting. But not even the first step has occurred. Goodbye, timing.

Many of us believe that our town needs cell phone service, that we must be proactive to get it, and that it is unacceptable for the selectboard to dither on this subject. It is time to act. Ask your selectmen to explain their inaction on this matter. And be prepared to vote on a new bylaw at the May meeting, hopefully one supported by the selectboard and the planning board, but that will be presented whether those boards act or not.


SnowLite said...
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SeaSpray said...

Richard - I used to live in your town many years ago. I was a baby and my mother left with me in September 1958 when I was 3.

My grandmother owned an antique store on rt 23. It was in a big red building and my parents and I lived above it and my Nana lived in the house. i know from a picture that it was a hilly piece of property unless that was taken at my aunts in Sheffield. I had family there and in Sheffield.

I was wondering if I could ask you about any info...perhaps you might even know of them.

My grandmother is long dead as is my father... but I would love to find out about the area and if you know any family history.

It is so beautiful up there! Reminds me of around here. I live in the mountains of NJ...coincidentally right near a rt 23 down here. No matter where I have lived here...I always have had to travel on Rt 23. :)

I am real curious.

Found you by accident.

I also blog.

Great and addicting hobby! :)

SeaSpray (Pat