Friday, October 15, 2010

Special Town Meeting

There will be one on November 6. It is very important. Voters will be considering (a) whether to go ahead with a new library, estimated cost in the millions, (b) whether to go ahead with a new police station, estimated cost $425,000, (c) which of two versions of a new school agreement to approve, and (d) whether to approve a resolution authorizing the selectmen to participate in a broadband consortium. (There is one other minor item on the agenda.)

The broadband resolution makes me a little queasy becasuse it gives the selectboard pretty much a blank check to do - and spend - whatever they wish. (They'll tell you that's not what it means, even though that's what it says.) But high speed computer access is so important that I'd probably authorize pretty much anybody to pursue it.

I will comment on the other matters in due course. I invite others to comment as well.


Doug Le Comte said...

The expenditures for a new library and police station look crazy.

Can part-time residents attend the meeting?

Richard Allen said...

Part time residents can attend the meeting, although they can't vote. They also have the right to be heard to the same extent as full time residents.