Bruce Turner:
"I’ve got a concern that I’d like to make . . . . It troubles me that we have a finance committee that’s more concerned about the politics of this town rather than the business of this town. I also think it’s very unfortunate that they attack members of the board and members looking to be elected to the board because of the jobs we possess. As you know, we live in an area that doesn’t have a lot of good jobs around, and having a good job working with the school district I think is as good a job as any of the manufacturing jobs and a lot better than the manufacturing jobs in the area because we don’t have manufacturing in this area. We’ve become a very service-oriented community. . . . I’m deeply concerned and deeply troubled with the finance committee that we have now and I’m making that as an expression of my concern tonight."
Charles Flynn:
P.S.: (1) No one on the finance committee attacked anyone "because of the jobs they possess." The members just pointed out their concern about the conflict issues that will arise if we have two selectmen who are closely affiliated with our schools. And they were right: those conflict issues have already arisen because of the rejection of the school budget and the school bond issue by two of the towns in our school district. And they'll keep arising, meaning we'll have only one independent selectman to protect the taxpayers and two who will often have to recuse themeselves, or worse. (2) The business of the town is somehow separate from the politics of the town? Not in this universe. (3) There is nothing in law or logic that makes one board or committee a "political body" and another one not. Where do they come up with this stuff? (4) Flynn's two complaints are specious. Town counsel has previously told the selectboard that muzzling the political views of town position holders violates their first amendment rights; and there was no violation of the open meeting law because the finance committee never met on the subject of Laura's candidacy. (5) The qualifications of the current members of the finance committee are really impressive. We're lucky to have them. Turner and Flynn just want people they can push around.
Sour grapes on your part Mr.Allen because your wife lost another election.
Let's take a look at the first few weeks...
Mr. Flynn, the uniter, accuses the Finance Committee of Open Meeting violation about a meeting that was never held. Then he calls for the Finance Committee to all resign.
Next meeting he reduces the Selectmen's responsibility of supervising town employees by trying to minimize their ability to review town e-mails - in opposition to Town Counsel's opinion and a State recommendation - reducing his accountability.
Next meeting he insists that only the Selectboard may record an open meeting, a direct violation of the Open Meeting Law. ANYONE can record OR videotape a meeting as long as they let the Chair know and do not interfere with the meeting.
What is Mr. Flynn afraid of... people actually knowing what is going on? Of course, that is a trademark of the School Committee, so it is no surprise that he brings that thinking to Egremont's Selectboard. Shame on him, the great uniter!
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