Saturday, July 23, 2011

Election (Part 3)

This is the third in a four-part series on the 2011 selectman's election.

As election day approached, it was clear the election would be close. It began to swing Laura's way when Charlie Flynn's Facebook page was disseminated, showing that he was a very conservative Republican in a pretty Democrat town. To counter that, Marj Wexler sent an email blast just before election day that changed more than enough votes from Laura to Charlie to win the election for him. I assume Charlie is grateful. The email Marj sent follows:

"Fellow Egremont Democrats,

"I apologize for using email for a political purpose. However, extraordinary events require otherwise-unacceptable means.

"Let's face it -- we have two right-wing candidates for selectboard. Laura's politics are clear. Anyone who has read Richard Allen's blog . . . knows that he is a destructive, divisive force in Egremont. Laura has never distanced herself in any way from his views.

. . . .

"I have watched Charlie listen to, and weigh, other people's ideas. I've seen him recognize an error in his thinking and adjust his position. He has a son in the active military, and another who is actively anti-war. He has to know how to respect both sides of an issue!

"Charlie thought he'd be running against Mr. Cumsky in this election -- and that's exactly what he's doing. Laura is Mr. Cumsky's choice -- was last year and is again this year. I voted -- in fact I campaigned! -- for Mr. Cumsky three years ago. I never guessed he would be so divisive, could create such havoc. It's been intensely embarrassing. And he's a Democrat, for heaven's sake! If Laura is elected, watch whom she appoints to the Finance Commission.

"OK, that's my rant. Now for my bumper sticker:


While the email speaks for itself, several points should be made. First, one wonders how many of the recipients were from the Egremont neighbors web sites. Second, with no evidence or knowledge, Marj attributes my political philosophy to Laura, about as sexist a comment as I can imagine. (Not to mention maligning me in the process.) Third, she denigrates Laura for being Bruce Cumsky's choice, with absolutely no mention of Laura's qualifications, carrying the sexism even further.

I appreciate that people can do and say things in the heat of an election that perhaps they regret. And Marj did later send out an email apology. But was it really an apology, or just a ploy? Consider: (1) The apology was to her readers, not to Laura or me (to whom she has still not apologized). (2) It was sent too late to rescind the effect of the first email on the election. (3) Marj came to see Laura several days after the election offering (presumably with Charlie's acquiescence) that he would publicly "eat crow" if Laura would drop her recount request.

So just who are the "destructive, divisive" forces in town?

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