Wednesday, August 22, 2012

New Citizens Group


On Saturday, September 1, at 9:00 a.m., an open meeting will be held at the South Egremont Congregational Church to establish and organize a broad-based citizens group that will hold regularly scheduled meetings and forums to learn about and discuss issues of importance to Egremont and its citizens.  Every Egremonter is invited and encouraged to attend this open meeting. 

Examples of topics that the group might address at one or more meetings include:

  • Broadband access and cell phone service:  How to get it for everyone in Egremont as soon as possible
  • The town water company:  Its costs and benefits, the subsidy by town taxpayers, and possible alternatives
  • Our schools:  They’re 40% of our town budget; possible closing of the satellite schools
  • Large capital items and their cost:  The police station, fire equipment and a community center
  • Zoning:  What changes should be made to our zoning bylaw
  • Other issues of interest to the group

We also plan to hold candidate forums for town offices.

Please join us on September 1.  An enlightened citizenry can make Egremont better.

Initial Organizers:  Richard Burdsall, Chet Delaney, Kevin Zurrin, Bruce Bernstein, Frank Penglase, Lita Moses, Richard Allen

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