Some people, after convicting an impertinent citizen of saying things they don't like, need to justify their conduct by rationalizing it. At the selectmen's meeting that followed Kevin's hearing last night, Bruce Turner agreed that the town needs a policy on what town officials can say publicly. My immediate thought was that Venezuela is looking for a successor to Chavez, and perhaps Bruce should volunteer. He's apparently unaware of the Constitution.
And Charlie Flynn intimated that the failure to ferret out the water department's problems fell on - get ready for it - Laura Allen as the longstanding chairman of the finance committee! When I noted that the town bylaws placed a duty on the finance committee to investigate the cost of maintenance of town departments but not town revenues, Mary Brazie tried to put the blame on the finance committee by referring to the ensuing bylaw provision, which empowers the finance committee to summon information "for such examination considered by it necessary to the proper discharge of its duties." Apparently she can't distinguish between a duty and a power.
Of course all the criticism on this blog and mine - as well as the public outrage - will have no positive effect on the entrenched denizens at town hall, who will continue to get deeper and deeper into the bunker and treat anyone who disagrees with them as enemies of the people. Egremont has a government of some of the people, by some of the people and for some of the people. To hell with everyone else.
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
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I see the Eagle reporter laid the blame at the finance committee's feet. Not that he blamed them but he refered to the panel as the finance committee. You'll have to get Bill W. to b!tch slap him
The blame for not uncovering the EWC's problems falls squarely on the Water Commissioners and the BOS. Year after year has gone by and the deficits are always there. It's their job to look at that and then take the initiative to eliminate the deficit. They just sat on their asses.
On top of that, the Water Commissioners didn't even supervise their 2 employees. So the fact that one of them didn't even send out the bills each month went undetected for YEARS. Talk about negligence!!!
To top it off, when Kevin Zurring finally blows the whistle what do these idiots do? They throw Kevin off the Finance Committee.
Talk about a bunch of arrogant idiots!!! They should all resign in disgrace.
How about getting this guy to run against Turner for selectman? Wouldn't that be a slap in Charley Flynn's face
The fact is that no one can escape the blame for not uncovering this problem. Everyone from Jack and the water commissioners to the apathetic taxpayer. This is past and now we move on from here. Lets not let it happen again.
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