Monday, March 31, 2008

Town Elections

The caucuses were held Saturday. Alas, only 18 people showed up at the Republican caucus, a better - but hardly robust - 41 people at the Democratic. And same old, same old generally prevailed. Both parties (hmmmm!) chose the following as their candidates:

Selectman: Bruce Cumsky
Town Clerk: Margaret Muskrat
Tree Warden: Jimmy Olmsted
Library Trustee: Keila Sheldon
Planning Board: Eileen Vining
Planning Bd. Assoc: Bill Wood
Water Comm'r: Chuck Ogden
Cemetery Comm'r: David Campbell
Assessor (3 yr. term): Robin Goldberg
Assessor (1 yr. term): Florence Browner

The Democrats named Jim Lamme as their candidate for Moderator; the Republicans had a tie for that position so named no one.

More on all this later. In the meantime, you can start posting your comments about who is good, who is bad, and why.

1 comment:

Richard Allen said...

Scroll down to the Friday March 7 blog entry and you'll see some prior comments on candidates.