Friday, September 04, 2009

Cell Tower

Mariner Tower has started the permit process for a possible tower on the Kelly property, south of Route 23 and west of Route 41. There was a hearing before the conservation commission on August 27. It may be a precursor for the eventual hearing (or rather hearings - they'll go on forever) before the planning board. Specifically, a number of opponents showed up at the concom hearing, and they'll be out in force when the planning board starts its proceedings. The objections are the usual ones, all reflecting various forms of NIMBYism: traffic, construction noise and dust, effect on animal life, etc. There were also veiled threats of a lawsuit to stop the tower.

If you think Egremont should have cell phone service, you need to make your voice heard: call (or better write) the selectboard and the planning board and tell them you support the Mariner application. It's not too early.


Anonymous said...

People in Egremont need access to cellphone service. You may not want to have one yourself. But that doesn't give you the right to deny them to others that do. This is what has been going on in Egremont for as long as I can remember. It's a disgrace. Our so called "leaders" should exert leadership and ensure that we get access to these services quickly. They should shut off the efforts of these NIMBY people to block progress. If they want to live in a cave, fine. But don't tell us to do so also.

KevinZurrin said...

I was at the Out of towners town hall meeting. you know, the one where the people who have no voice can have a voice;-? I was amazed at the progress that was made in regard to the cell tower issue. They resolved to have more meetings in order to come up with a resolution. I have a prediction. There will never be a cell tower in egremont. The most sincere woman came to speak for the turtles. She was arguing the fact that it would disturb the breeding habitat of a particular. So let me get this right, Egremont cannot get a cell tower because it will interfere with the sex life of a turtle. I wanted to ask the woman if she was an idiot or what. But I guess that would be rude. The most obvious clue that Egremont will never have cell service was a "Person" on the planing board was fighting to restrict the waiver rights of the planing board. She was concerned that future boards would not be as circumspect as this board and they would wave all sorts of bylaws in order to expedite approval of a tower. Perhaps this half wit didn't understand that the less restrictive waiver policy was written for that very reason. If we truly want to use our cell phone in egremont we need to elect people on the planing board who will actually honor the spirit of the 96 communications act. Since I am one of those people who can pay taxes in this town, but cannot vote, it is up to those of you who actually do have a voice to do what is needed to control your elected representatives. IMNSHO