Friday, September 04, 2009

Wind Energy

An article in today's WSJ highlighted the problems with wind energy caused by NIMBYism. All kinds of folks around the U.S. who call themselves "environmentalists" espouse full support for wind energy but suddenly find themselves objecting when an installation threatens their environs. Hypocrisy reigns.

Massachusetts is considering a law establishing statewide standards for siting wind energy installations but the NIMBYs are crying "local control." The proposed law doesn't say installations can go anywhere with no standards. It establishes stringent standards and applies them statewide. I haven't heard anyone saying the standards are no good. Rather the NIMBYs just want to be able to say "not here."

It is just pure hypocrisy to say you're in favor of wind power but opposed to this law.


Anonymous said...

Here is a link to the WSJ article:

Anonymous said...

Said perfectly. Pure hyprocrasy.