Tuesday, April 09, 2013

The Police, the Selectboard and the Finance Committee

Please read today's entries on www.eyeonegremont.com regarding the police.

The performance of the selectboard this year can only be described as disastrous.  I won't dwell on how this sorry situation came about except to point out that you get what you vote for.  

I believe the selectboard's primary job is to protect the taxpayers, not the town employees and not themselves.  They are not protecting the taxpayers.   The budget they're proposing will show  increase after increase, and they refuse to do anything meaningful to rein in the water department or the police department or the fire department.   Watching them throw up their hands on specific budget requests is like watching children.  They have no backbone.  They just keep trying to blame the finance committee for their own shortcomings.

Our only hope is the finance committee.  The committee that the selectboard successfully ousted two years ago wouldn't have tolerated this profligacy.  Will the replacement members stand up and do the right thing?   Or will they cave in with their tails between their legs. 

Whatever the finance committee does, get your butt to the town meeting AND VOTE NO ON THESE NONSENSICAL EXPENDITURES!  Our real estate values stay higher than those in our surrounding towns because we keep our taxes low.  Let's keep it that way.


KevinZurrin said...

I think you're being a little hard on the newbie’s and giving too much credit to the old guard. Laura and Bill were the only ones to withstand the fire. The rest of the old guard made a statement equivalent to the proverbial tree falling in the woods with no one to hear it. Did it make a sound? I think not. Not to mention the fact that they failed to answer the questions that were answered by this group. The have barely gotten their legs under them only to have them taken out by the BoS. And they are still plugging along. I think the Finance committee should take Charlie at his word and fulfill his mandate. They should look so deep into the finances of the town and leave no stone unturned. I wonder what they’ll find hiding in the dark.

Anonymous said...

When we talk about the FC having "spine", we're talking about your wife, Richard. We're talking about Laura Allen. When is she going to "lead" the FC to come out with a full report on the problems with the EWC? This has been in the works for 2 months. But where's the bacon?

Richard Allen said...

I assume the anonymous comment is from a water commissioner or selectman, trying to deflect totally justifiable criticism. The finance committee is the only group in town that has been urging action regarding the water department for years. Read their reports. The fault lies first with the water commissioners for being completely asleep at the switch (or worse) and then on the selectboard for not doing anything but rather repeatedly approving the water department's budget numbers.

KevinZurrin said...

I find it interesting that Charlie insults the finance committee for not doing their job on the one hand; then removes them from the committee when they do their job. If he were as quick to perceive as he is to anger perhaps he would see the irony