Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Kangaroo Court

Last night, a vindictive selectboard orchestrated the ouster of Kevin Zurrin from the finance commitee, ostensibly because he exposed the town to a RISK of being sued for defamation, but in reality because he dared to challenge the town powerful.  You can read about it in today's Berkshire Eagle.

The ouster action was illegal for several reasons, and Kevin will eventually decide whether he wants to have the matter overturned in court and whether he wants to sue for a violation of his civil rights.

I'll have more to say about this in future blog postings.  Right now, I'm depressed about living in a town headed by people who care about themselves and their friends but no one else.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Last night we all witnessed a DISGRACEFUL performance by our Town "leaders". Some leaders!! They removed a well intentioned volunteer on the FC because they were threatened. He made visible and public their total incompetence and unwillingness to address a problem with the EWC that has been sitting there festering for years. Shame on you Charlier Flynn and Marie Brazie. You will not get any vote from me in the future.