Thursday, March 28, 2013

Water Department

An Egremonter who was there at the time sent me the following comments:
When the Town’s citizens gave Egremont their approval years ago to purchase the EWC it was on the understanding that the EWC users alone would be fully responsible for the cost of operating the EWC. You may question this statement. But my wife and I have had our home in Egremont [for many years], so we were around when this transaction occurred. Furthermore, I took an entire day from my business life in NYC to come to Egremont and specifically meet with the “commission” that supposedly studied this proposal. This is what we and others were told, again and again: help your (EWC user) neighbors by simply allowing them to use the Town’s balance sheet to purchase this private water company and we, the users, will be responsible for its cost. Otherwise, we are likely to lose our water source. Egremont’s non-EWC users reached out and helped their EWC user neighbors keep their water supply. Now they are being prejudiced by paying for the EWC’s deficit. The bargain has not been lived up to and, in my opinion, it should be.


Anonymous said...

the town seal for egremont should be someone standing there with their head up their ass

Anonymous said...

As the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. And punnished we will be.