Friday, March 01, 2013

One Egremont and the Water Department

Yesterday, One Egremont postponed its public meeting on the water department.   Kevin Zurrin has been a Paul Revere on this issue, constantly repeating "the numbers don't add, the numbers don't add."  They don't.  The organizers of One Egremont concluded that the public would be better served if the meeting could show WHY the numbers don't add.   That may be possible given the analyses now underway as a result of Kevin's megaphone. 

One conclusion can be reached now.  Many people have been asleep at the switch.  It's not clear yet where the responsibility for that lies, but hopefully we'll find out.

Another conclusion can be reached now.  Having an additional level of beaurocracy in the form of the water commissioners has not helped, but rather has reduced transparency and accountability.  There is no reason why the highway department and other town departments report to the selectboard but the water department reports to a separate board of water commissioners.  Only town meeting can change that, and that requires the citizens' petition asking for a vote to do so to be signed and submitted by March 6.  Call me at 528-2108 if you need a copy.

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