Saturday, July 06, 2013

A Conversation Between A and Z (Richard Allen and Kevin Zurrin) About the Police

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RICHARD:  Are you going to Reena's hearing on Monday, Kevin?
KEVIN: I’d only miss it if there were tire tracks across my chest. It'll be entertaining to say the least, and we'll finally hear Reena's side of the story.  I’m pretty sure she’ll want the hearing be open.
RICHARD:  That’s what I hear.  And I think there'll be lots of fireworks, maybe more than at Tanglewood on the fourth of July.
KEVIN:  I’ve heard that Charlie and perhaps the BoS has been out to get Reena for quite awhile.
RICHARD:  At least two of the members have been.  Maybe Turner not as much.
KEVIN: The more I look into this matter, the stranger it looks.  For instance, the story that the BoS wasn’t aware of the February 19th “mutiny” until the officers showed up in full regalia is nonsense.
RICHARD:   I agree. If you read the transcripts of that meeting and a later one – both posted on my blog – there are some glaring inconsistencies.  And there are too many other things that just don’t add up. 
KEVIN:  YA THINK? I remember Charlie saying to me at a BoS meeting, when I quoted what he had said; “Do you have those notes written down somewhere?” and “I mean, if you can give me the exact recording of what I said I’m happy to stand up to it.” What isn’t heard on the recording, for whatever reason, is my saying I would testify to it in a court of law, which prompted Turner to say “that’s a no.”
RICHARD:  He’s not the only one whose stories have changed.  I can’t wait til Monday.  There may be lots of juicy revelations.
KEVIN:   I don’t know what you think will happen at the hearing on Monday; but don’t get your hopes up. The BoS has been running this game for a long time.
RICHARD:  I’m not sure what procedure they’ll try to use.
KEVIN: Neither are they, but be assured that they’ll make it up as they go.
RICHARD:  I think there may be lots of folks there, but remember, at your “lynching” they weren’t allowed to speak.
KEVIN: To be fair Richard, some people were allowed to speak; including you, right after you were verbally assaulted by Charlie.  But seriously, aren’t the views of townspeople important, especially in a small town where the police are supposed to be neighborly?
RICHARD:  I think so.  And Charlie has said “We’re still willing to have a public meeting with the chief.  If the chief chooses to do that, we will be more than happy to have that public meeting so that she can address each and every one of those charges.  We want this to be, and what we have tried to do, is keep this whole process as open and honest as we possibly could.”
KEVIN: That means people will be allowed to speak if Reena allows it, doesn’t it?
RICHARD:  Yes, if you believe Charlie means what he says.
KEVIN:  REALLY RICHARD!  Did you not see my tongue firmly planted in my cheek?  What people have to understand about Charlie is that the operative phrase is “as we possibly could,” not “open and honest”. Charlie thinks my lynching was as honest and open as he possibly could. Eye witnesses are quoted as saying “That pathetic excuse for a purported hearing was pre ordained - It was a mockery of a hoax of a sham of a hoax cloaked in a tissue of lies
RICHARD:   Do you know anything more about the Pilone firing?
KEVIN:  A bit. Jeremy and I have spoken a few times since the “hearing.”  But I’m not talking much about it until I see what happens on Monday. I’ve heard rumors that the chief and Jeremy may join forces. You know the old saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?
RICHARD:  I’d like to know what standards the selectboard is applying.  They fired Pilone but didn’t fire Carlson, even though the acting chief said to fire both.  What was the difference?  How do they decide?  And how are they going to apply whatever standard it is to Reena?
KEVIN: Richard, you are making the mistake of applying logic.  The BoS acts arbitrarily and capriciously.  I don’t think they know or care about logic. If they applied logic they would be a little more consistent in their inconsistencies.
RICHARD:   Yeah, you got that right. By the way, have you found out anything about the evidence locker story?
KEVIN: Yes Richard, and contrary to Mary’s claim, my sources say it did in fact happen and there is a lot going on that we will not hear about from the BoS or the EPD. However, baseless claims are not fact. Evidence is fact and when the facts come out the BoS may have a lot to answer for. I asked for the police report and was told I can’t have it because it falls within the exemption clause of the Massachusetts Public Records Law.
RICHARD:  Another glaring example of our selectboard’s “transparency.”
KEVIN:  So the really big question here is this:  If the BoS lets Reena go, what will she do?
RICHARD:  I’m pretty sure she’ll sue. 
KEVIN: With my best deer in the headlight look I say, I’m shocked to hear you say that Richard.
Richard: Yes and when she does it’s going to cost the town a pretty penny. 
KEVIN: The Selectmen are probably thinking, so what. The insurance will pay for it; and whatever isn’t covered, the taxpayers will just have to pay.
RICHARD:  Our town insurance is “experience rated.”  That means the insurance may pay it today but our premiums will go up – maybe way up – to pay for it later.  There’s no free lunch. I think that folks who go to the hearing should remind the selectmen that there’s likely to be a BIG cost to letting Reena go. 
KEVIN: Yes, but that’s only if they’re allowed to speak. Face it, once the BoS embarked on this journey they were committed. Handling the thing correctly would have been dicey enough; the way the BoS handled the situation they have no way to even save face. 
RICHARD:  Probably not.
KEVIN:  So correct me if I’m wrong, Richard, but this is the pattern: the selectmen create a big mess, they mishandle it from the get go and expect the taxpayers to bail them out?
RICHARD:  Unless they do the right thing and pay it themselves.  Fat chance.  And when they don’t volunteer, I’ll be thinking tar and feathers.
KEVIN:  You may be thinking tar and feathers, but like Jack Muskrat, I think the BoS will get off without any consequences. The town has not yet been sufficiently horrified by the BoS’s behavior. 
RICHARD:  Time will tell.




Anonymous said...

My advice is to be very careful in dealing with Pilone. It seems to me that he's been bad news right from the start. A trouble maker with an agenda and very little scruples.

I would have nothing to do with him.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are describing Charlie.

Anonymous said...

While you are talking about cost to the town,why not consider the hundreds of thousand dollars your wonderful Reena milked from the town in the last 14 years.You were the one that published the report Kevin,now let me get this correct are you saying that the report is not right now that it dosen't agree with your two opinions? I certainly hope that she calls for a open meeting so that some of us that have been involved can have our say finally.

Richard Allen said...

If the selectboard allows it, citizens can say good things or bad things about Reena. Maybe she was great, maybe she was lousy. The problem is that the selectboard suspended her without giving her any advance notice or any chance to confront her accusers. Do you think that's okay, anonymous? Those are the reasons the town may have significant liability.

KevinZurrin said...

I’m having a hard time understanding what you mean when you say that Reena has milked hundreds of thousand dollars from the town. Are you saying the pay she has taken for doing her job; or are you accusing her of theft? Even though you sign anonymous you can still be traced. If you are accusing Reena of theft you may be accused of libel. I don’t understand what part of anything I’ve posted is contrary to any published report. I believe I have been consistent. However, if you care to explain yourself more clearly I’m open to listen.

Anonymous said...

I should have made that more clear,as I meant that she did not provide the work that she was paid for.The town as an employer should not be responsible for her while she is teaching,also not filling the time slots that she said that she was working in.She also went to many training seminars for her self,but as you published in the report that she did not send her oficers as required by law.Do you think that was ok? The town should be the ones to bring legal suits. But there you have it,this is my opinion I think that we are still afforded that,or am I wrong again according to Kevin.

Richard Allen said...

To Anonymous-

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion, and this blog is a place for all opinions. I prefer postings that are not anonymous, but understand that some people are uncomfortable identifying themselves.

Hope to hear from you again, anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But they are not entitled to their own set of facts or lack of understanding of those facts. The point of the Blog is to discuss the towns issues openly. When the true facts are brought out then we can form our own opinions.The blogs are a good thing! Thank-you Kevin and Richard.